MxP™ Vision Kiosk

Start your Grab and Go journey with the Toshiba MxP™ Vision Kiosk. Smart technology meets efficiency with this fast and secure self-checkout solution. Just Place, Pay, and Go!

Meet the MxP™ Vision Kiosk.

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About This Item

General Info

  • Compact, modular design - engineered with the latest Intel 13th Generation Core® processor and 19.5” display technology
  • Retail hardened and tested to fit into a variety of retail environments
  • Fast and accurate transactional speeds with quick responsive touch
  • Enhanced customer experience with intuitive ease of use for smaller baskets
  • Streamlined interfacing reduces operational costs
  • Greater ROI and improved TCO with Toshiba’s longevity of support, life cycle management and connectivity to new and legacy equipment
Orange Eye Icon

Computer Vision

MxP Vision Kiosk is a computer vision-based solution designed to reduce shrink and friction at self-checkout
Signal Icon Cyan

Dual Band NFC

Integrated with scanner, cameras, and NFC for secure payment providing an easy installation
AI Micro chip yellow

Smartpad Technology

Latest A.I. provides greater accuracy over security weight-based scale systems along with 2-factor authentication 
Finger Print Icon Teal

TCx EDGEcam ID Biometrics Camera 

Provides an additional layer of security by monitoring  customer behavior and identifies potential shrink activities at check-out

ODIE – On Demand Item Enrollment

Allows retailers the ability to enroll new inventory items with ease from store or office

Easy as 1-2-3

The MxP Vision Kiosk innovates beyond grocery, no barcodes needed. Experience a seamless, automatic recognition powered by A.I. driven technology. Designed perfectly for space constrained retailers desiring a smart and secure “grab and go” solution . The MxP Vision Kiosk transforms the checkout process into a fast, effortless transaction, making the check-out experience simple.

TCx® Sky Operating System

A retail-optimized operating system that’s designed to excel in the high-availability, high-stakes retail environment, giving you the peace of mind to operate your stores reliably and securely.

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Modular eXpansion Platform

Think big, small, or somewhere in between with Toshiba’s MxP Modular eXpansion Platform. Create your own tomorrow and tailor a self-checkout solution that’s unique to your specific retail environment.

MxP™ Modular eXpansion Platform


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