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Rotatable Base for Improved Cable Routing

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Ty Wu, Anderson Lin, Kyle Cheng, Gavin Yang

This disclosure proposes a rotatable base on an All in One Point of Sale System unit that allows the base to rotate towards the user for easier installation and removal of the IO cables.

An AIO(All in One) POS typically has the IO ports at head tailgate, or has the base hub for IO ports. These IO ports are all facing down or facing backward

When the user wants to plug in the cables, the user needs to move the AIO out or go to the rear side of the AIO to do cable routing.

A rotatable base hub could rotate the IO ports to be facing front for user to plug in the cables.

A rotatable base hub which is connected to mother board via a cable.

  • The base hub is rotatable and the rotation is limited to be 180 degrees (rear to front / front to rear) only. The base hub isn’t allowed to be rotated over 180 degrees.
  • There are hard stops to make sure the base hub can be kept in the rear facing or front facing position for plugging cables

Figure 1 - 6  below shows the rear facing connectors on the bases of both a TGCS TCx810 and various competitor Systems.

Figure 7 below shows the New Proposed System with a rotatable base with the base in the normal rear facing position.

Figure 8 below shows the New Proposed System with a rotatable base with the base in the front facing position intended for easy cable routing.

Figure 9 below shows a side view New Proposed System with a rotatable base showing the proposed cable routing of the cable connecting the System unit with the base hub.

Figure 1 - TGCS TCx810

Figure 2 - HP Engage One Pro 15.6


Figure 3 - NCR CX7


Figure 4 - Adventech USC-360


Figure 5 - Adventech USC-360


Figure 6 - DN Beetle A1150


Figure 7 


Figure 8


Figure 9 




  • A rotatable base hub. The rotation range is limited to be 180 degree (rear-to-front or reversely). While the base hub is in rotation, the head is fixed.
  • A rotatable base hub which connected to the mother board via at least 1 cable



TGCS Reference 00036

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